Press and Publications

Master-classes of scientists from Belgium, France and Poland in frame of the Tempus project MMATENG (RU)

March 2017

ZNAK TV, Magnitogorsk City News:
MMATENG project converence at NMSTU (RU)

March 2017

Dennica No. 4, 2017:

Dennica No. 4, 2017:
Master classes of Tempus project MMATENG (RU)

March 2017

Magnitogorsky Metall

Magnitogorsky Metall:
Master class for engineers (RU)

March 2017

Mariupolskoe TV:
Opening of the MESO office in PSTU (RU)

April 2016

TV7 Mariupol:
Opening of the MESO office in PSTU (RU)

April 2016

ENSCL INFOS janvier 2015

Journée d’accueil du projet TEMPUS (FR)

January 2015

Audytoriya Journal

Audytoriya No. 37, 2014:
Education in Europe and Israel as a guidline (UA)

December 2014

Illichivets Journal

Illichivets Journal No. 39, 2014:
On the way to European standards (RU)

April 2014

Kyivska Politechnica

Kyivska Politechnica No. 13, 2014:
European training program TEMPUS (UA)

April 2014