

Project result status reports

3 years (final reports)

12 months reports (first project year)

6 months reports

Project Meetings

Annual conference and master classes at LPNU

19 - 20 October 2016

Conference meeting at JCE

30 May - 2 June 2016

Consortium meeting and master classes at NTUU-KPI

25 - 26 April 2016

Interproject NETCENG/MMATENG conference at KNRTU-KAI

13 - 15 April 2016

Consortium meeting at TUB

2 December 2015

Interproject NETCENG/MMATENG conference at FEFU

14 - 16 September 2015

Methodological and coordination conference at CUT

23 - 24 July 2015

Kick-off meeting at KU Leuven

10 - 11 March 2014