- ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) [117.64 KB]
- ECTS Guide - EN [627.9 KB]
- ECTS Guide - RU [347.03 KB]
- ECTS Key features - EN [127.76 KB]
- Financial information kit [3.75 MB]
- Guidelines for the Use of the Grant - Tempus IV 6th Call [90.35 KB]
- Guide to Writing Learning Objectives [108.01 KB]
- Handbook on Sustainability [193.89 KB]
- Student workload in higher education [319.34 KB]
- Tempus Glossary [253.14 KB]
- The Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area [122.71 KB]
- Visibility of TEMPUS projects and logo [83.03 KB]
- Writing and Using Learning Outcomes [151.86 KB]
Useful Links
- The official Bologna Process website
- Bologna Process: The European Higher Education Area (Lleaflet)
- Bologna Process: Main documents
- Bologna Process Glossary - RU
- Tempus Programme, EACEA
- Tempus Office in Russia
- Tempus Office in Ukraine
- Tempus in Israel
- EUA - European University Association
- Tuning Educational Structures in Europe
- The ECTS System (STUDYinEUROPE.eu)